Latest Club News

North Country Spider Fishing

On Sunday April 21st 2024, AAA member Steve Cheetham gave a demonstration on North Country Spider fishing to 13 club members. Everyone came away with plenty of useful knowledge about this deadly technique for fishing the Wharfe and any other river.

Click here to see some notes from the event to help you give it a go next time you’re on the water


Thank you to everyone who has submitted their catch returns so far this season. From the information we have, it would appear that the river is fishing well. The average catch is currently 3.3 fish per session with a predominance of trout in the 7”-12” and over 12” categories.

As the season progresses the smaller trout as well as grayling will probably show up more but we do appear to have good fishing conditions.

Please do continue to enter your returns, including any blank sessions, and if you haven’t done so in the past, please consider submitting your returns in the future.